Author: Michelle Underwood
Family Movie Night
Our family loves good literature and good movies. There are so many beautiful stories available to us, but at times it feels like finding a needle in a haystack. We have come across some of the best of the best and want to share these treasures with your family. We hope you enjoy our list of quality movies as much as we have.
Below is a list of our favorite family movies. These are movies the whole family can enjoy. Most of these should be available at your local library. We do not watch a lot of TV, but when we do I am pretty particular with what we fill our minds with. It is not always easy to find the high quality wholesome movies I am referring to. I wanted to begin compiling a list to share with you. Any movie listed below will be a movie I have screened. My values may differ from yours, so please be sure to check out the full review when available at Plugged In by Focus on the Family. It is almost impossible to find a perfect movie, but many of these come close. I hope you find this helpful.
Movie night isn't just about the movie though. It is about the quality time you are spending together as a family. With that said, movies are not the end all be all of family time, they are one of the many fun things we can do together with our children. Movies are a from of passive entertainment or consumerism, and there is a time and a place for simply vegging out with a great movie. As long as this is balanced with various forms of active entertainment, it can hold a healthy position in our lives. Active entertainment can be thought of as something that we do that produces something. Examples of active entertainment may include reading amazing literature, family games, sports, art, cooking, hiking, swimming, and many more.
One of our favorite ways to watch a movie is to first read the book. Many of our movie nights were prompted by our favorite books (this information is included in our list below). Some of our favorite books turned movies include: Little House on the Prairie, Anne of Green Gables, and Because of Winn Dixie. Anne of Green Gables by Sullivan Entertainment is unmatched!
Prepare a few snacks, get on your jammies and snuggle in tight on the couch together. Need some fun movie night snack ideas? Try our homemade Maple Vanilla Hot Cocoa with a batch of Nut Butter and Honey Popcorn (a favorite).
Movie Title | Rating | Release Date | Feature Length | Based on the Book: | Review link: Plugged In | Notes: |
Anne of Green Gables (Sullivan Entertainment) | G | 1985 | 3 h 15 min | Anne of Green Gables | Plugged In | |
Because of Winn-Dixie | PG | 2005 | 1 h 46 min | Because of Winn-Dixie, Kate DiCamillo | Plugged In | So very good! |
Charlotte's Web | G | 2006 | 1 h 36 min | Charlotte's Web, E.B. White | Plugged In | |
Charlotte's Web | G | 1973 | 1 h 34 min | Charlotte's Web, E.B.White | n/a | |
Christopher Robin | PG | 2018 | 1 h 43 min | Winnie-The-Pooh Series, A.A. Milne | Plugged In | |
Disney Nature, Born in China | G | 2017 | 1 h 15 min | n/a | Plugged In | |
Disney Nature, Chimpanzee | G | 2012 | 1 h 18 min | n/a | Plugged In | |
Disney Nature, Elephant | G | 2020 | 1 h 29 min | n/a | n/a | |
Disney Nature, Wings of Life | G | 2013 | 1 h 20 min | n/a | n/a | |
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch | PG | 2018 | 1 h 25 min | How The Grinch Stole Christmas! Dr. Seuss | Plugged In | |
Little House on the Prairie, Pilot Movie | NR | 1974 | 1 h 35 min | Little House on the Prairie | n/a | |
Misty | G | 1961 | 1 h 32 min | Misty of Chincoteague | n/a | |
Nadia (true story Nadia Comăneci, 1976 Olympic gold medalist) | NR | 1984 | 1 h 39 min | n/a | n/a | Age 10+, some intense scenes regarding mental health. |
Ratatouille | G | 2007 | 1 h 51 min | n/a | Plugged In | |
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron | G | 2002 | 1 h 23 min | n/a | Plugged In | |
Tales from Avonlea (TV Series) | NR | 1990-1996 | 6 h 36 min | Based On The Novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery | n/a | |
The Biggest Little Farm | PG | 2019 | 1 h 31 min | n/a | n/a | This is one of my favorites!! Caution to sensitive viewers - death of some animals. |
The Fox and the Child | G | 2008 | 1 h 34 min | n/a | n/a | Excellent! |
The Sound of Music | G | 1965 | 3 h 44 min | n/a | n/a | |
The Star | PG | 2017 | 1 h 26 min | n/a | Plugged In | |
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory | G | 1971 | 1 h 39 min | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl | n/a |
A Prayer of Healing
This morning as I was reading my Bible, I felt the Lord impress upon my heart His desire for healing. In Matthew 9:18-26 we see Jesus heal a little girl who was very sick and a woman who had been suffering from illness for 12 years. I want to pray specifically this morning for any women and girls who are sick and need restoration. I pray that the hand of God is upon you and that the healing you have so been longing for is here. The season of waiting is over. I pray the tender words of Jesus from Mark 5:41 “Talitha kum!”—which means, “Little girl, I say to you, get up!” And to the women I pray Matt 9:22 “be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” May you be made well this hour in Jesus name. A season of healing is upon us.
Dust Covered to Tattered
This New Year I would like to invite you to join me in going from dust covered to tattered. Let me explain. The Lord has recently been impressing upon me the message of reading our Bibles. It keeps coming up again and again in my life, and I feel so passionately that I need to heed this message with conviction. I feel Him saying this is the year of the written Word. A while back the Lord woke me from my sleep with a message that is still ringing in my ears. I heard Him say to Read Well the Father’s Script.
“Script comes from the Latin scrībĕre, meaning “to write,” and all its meanings have to do with something written. Your handwriting is your script. Additionally, script can mean a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance.” (
The Bible is God’s handwriting, His handwritten script (2 Tim 3:16). He has given it to us to prepare for this performance we call life. His handwritten love letter to us is our Script to study and memorize. He is the Master Playwright. He knows the ending of the play. Let us not ad lib or improvise, and still hope for a stellar performance. Let us read well the Script He has given us. His will, at times, can only extend as far as our willingness. Let us be willing and perfectly prepared (2 Tim 3:17).
16 Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. 17 Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, TPT)
I went for years knowing Jesus and loving Him, yet rarely opening my Bible. Thankfully, I was blessed to be immersed in the Word of God indirectly. I went to Christian and Catholic school through 12th grade, I attended church and Bible camp, sang hymns, and prayed. Yet, I rarely read His beautiful handwriting.
My love for Jesus felt like enough for so many years, until one day… It. Just. Wasn’t. I needed more. I longed for more. I had a best friend that I wanted to know more about. I don’t want to diminish the value of simply knowing Jesus. Knowing Him is everything! With that said – if knowing Him doesn’t make us want to know Him more, we likely just know of Him. If you truly know Him you will be left longing… longing for more and more of Him. Your cup will be overflowing yet it will never feel like enough.
Patiently over the years, Jesus introduced me to my dust covered Bible. He planted many seeds along the way. The final turning point for me occurred one day on a walk with a friend. She knew my love for Jesus, but also saw the deficit of His Word in my life and she sincerely and tenderly called me out of my comfort zone. She shared with me her morning quiet time routine and told me how she began this life changing habit. She recommended I start with a simple daily devotional and suggested Beth Moore’s “Whispers of Hope”. A good friend folks should call you out of your comfort zone and challenge you to become a better version of you. With my devotional and cup of encouragement in hand, I embarked upon a regular morning quiet time. I started to read the Word of God! It was like a vine that began to wrap around me. It wound up and around me and began to blossom. The Vine had captivated me and I never wanted to be without Him again.
I have come a long way since then, and I still have a long way to go. On the journey, my Bible has gone from dust covered to tattered, and I have gone from one Bible to a shelf full of Bibles. Each day I find myself longing to know more and more. The more I learn the less it feels like I know. The Bible is like that. We can never exhaust our understanding of God’s word.
So how do you go from dust covered to tattered? Start with an easy to understand overview. God’s introduction of His Word in my life also coincided with my introduction to motherhood. I am so grateful I was never called to face motherhood without the Word of God. The greatest gift I ever received as a new mother was from my heavenly Father – His handwritten Word. My children and I learned to read the Bible together. We started with the most basic stories and slowly dug deeper and deeper. We are still digging.
These are my favorite Story Bible’s.
Egermeier’s Bible Story Book by Elsie Egermeier
The Child’s Story Bible by Catherine Vos
The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones
My children and I have read through the Egermeiers Story Bible year after year. Early on in my journey, I discovered that I was becoming familiar with the stories, the Writer and the comfort of the Word of God. My first time through I became so enamored with my friend Moses, that I cried when he died. He will always hold such a special place in my heart. A beloved friend in a book is like that. That is why we go back and read the book again and again. And each time we read we gain a deeper insight, maybe pickup information we glazed past the first time. The Bible is not an exception to that rule, it is the rule. The more you read it the more you understand it, yet the less you realize you know (humility is a fruit that comes from the reading the Word of God). The Bible is a Living Word, and the way God speaks to us through this “archaic” book, proves it is just as alive today as it was thousands of years ago.
I am happy to say I have since graduated from Children’s Story Bible’s… though I still read them daily to my children over breakfast. Just this fall we started on the Vos Story Bible and put our beloved Egermeirs on the shelf. It has proven to be equally impressive with different insight.
I wish I had started reading the word of God sooner, but I am thankful I began when I did. It is never too late. I feel like God accelerated my path to learning once I began. It was like He made up for the time I lost. I can honestly say I tried to read my Bible for years. I tried starting with Genesis and only ever made it as far as Exodus (one book later). I tried beginning with Esther to no avail. I read the Christmas story only to stop there year after year. It was almost as if I was being drawn away from prying open the cover. Turns out, I was. There is a real enemy who knows the power of the Word of God. As I was writing this I gracefully “stumbled” upon a brilliant and timely quote by Lysa TerKeurst that further flamed my passion on this topic.
“God is the author of the Truth that empowers us. Satan is the author of the deception that imprisons us. That’s why the enemy is thrilled when we don’t open our Bibles. Satan knows how Truth sheds light on darkness and helps us see more clearly what a horrible trap he is luring us into. Let us open up the Word of God, friends, and let it keep us wiser than our enemy.” (Lysa TerKeurst, Facebook post 12-17-20)”
It is important for us to recognize we have a real enemy friends. I know many people don’t like to talk about the devil. Me either! Yuck! But to ignore him would be foolish. He is real and he is not on your team. He will limit us from ever walking into our full potential on this earth if we simply dismiss his shenanigans. We are royalty (1 Peter 2:9), heirs to the treasures of heaven (Rom 8:17). You discover who you are when you dust off that Bible and pry open the cover. It literally may feel like you have to pry it open. That is because the enemy attempts to seal it shut with every tactic he can muster up. PRY IT OPEN and resist every lie imploring you otherwise. Just start reading and ignore all the nonsense. As Beth Moore so eloquently explains in her study of the book of Daniel “Satan recognizes the treasures God has given us more than we do. He knows we are the royal heirs of the kingdom treasury of God.” It is in the enemy’s best interest if you never open your Bible.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9, NIV)
And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. (Rom 8:17, TPT)
It is time we exercise our royal authority. We cannot let our enemy outsmart us. We must be wiser than the defense in order to function in the offense. I would much prefer to be on the offense during my time on this earth. In order to do that I need to know who my God is, who I am, and who my enemy is. The enemy will work to convince you that he is not real, just a fictitious character with horns and a tail. Folks… that is lie. He is real and as I tell my children – He hates you! He will do anything in his power to stand in the way of your walk with Truth. It is time to play offense, so let’s grab our Bibles! God is our defender.
The Word of God is the only book that has the power to change your life. No self-help book can do what the Bible can do. It has the power to help you become the incredible masterpiece you were created to be (Eph 2:10). It is a road map to navigate life. It has the power to break every chain that binds you. The Word of God is Holy, inspired by God, and handwritten for you, for today. The deeper you dig, the greater the treasure you will find.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Eph 2:10, NLT)
Today I have a shelf full of tattered, underlined and well-loved Bibles. I also have the Bible app and other unlimited resources on my phone. While I do utilize the electronic versions of the Bible, please take my word that there is no substitute for the printed version. As you open your Bible something magical begins to happen that I have yet to experience online. Join me in going from dust covered to tattered this year. You will be glad you did!
This is my prayer for you:
14 So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, 15 the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth. 16 And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power. 17 Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. 18–19 Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God! 20 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. (Eph 3:14-20, TPT)
Resources mentioned above:
- Whispers of Hope, Beth Moore
- Egermeier’s Bible Story Book, Elsie Egermeier
- The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine Vos
- The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones
- Lysa TerKeurst, Facebook page
- Daniel Study, Beth Moore
- Bible App
- Daily Audio Bible
Maple Syrup Snow Ribbons
Maple Syrup Snow Ribbons
- candy thermometer
- large cookie sheet
- 1 cup maple syrup
- 1.5 tbsp butter
- 1/8 tsp salt
- fresh snow
- Place maple syrup, butter and salt in a small sauce pan.
- Place candy thermometer into syrup mixture. Cook on medium high heat until temperature reaches 235 degrees (the soft ball stage). This takes approximately 20 minutes (give or take).
- Once the syrup mixture reaches 235 degrees, remove from heat.
- Now comes the fun part! The first thing you need is a large cookie sheet to slide under a clean layer of snow. You do not want to pour it directly onto the snow or it sinks down to the ground. From this point you can drizzle your syrup mixture directly onto the snow or you can bring the tray inside and drizzle it on the snow inside your home. We have done it both ways. I personally like it best outdoors!
- Once all the syrup is drizzled, you can pick up the beautiful caramel ribbons and enjoy. The caramel is best served immediately.

Holding Out for a Hero
As I sit with the Lord this morning I am struck by my desire for you to know Jesus like I do. He is so amazing! I am constantly in awe of Him. I truly cannot believe the way he shows up when I spend time with Him, or even when I simply look for Him in the day-to-day. I went for years without truly knowing Him. I knew of Him, but that pales in comparison to knowing Him. He is my best friend. He knows me better than anyone and loves me more than anyone. I am telling you… I am head over heels, madly in love with Him!
I couldn’t have understood it until I experienced it. If it all sounds too hard to believe, I get it. But I am telling you this because I long to see you know it too! I am not talking religion y’all. The intimacy I experience with the King of Kings consistently leaves me in awe. We all long to be loved like this. It is how He designed us. We are born with this desire and search for the fulfillment of it in every pocket of the earth – for that one something that is missing. We will NEVER fill the void until we fall into His arms. And when we do, it is effortless.
So many of us wonder why we have it all right in front of us (a good marriage, a beautiful home, a healthy family…) and yet we are still longing for something. You long because He beckons. He won’t give up until He gets you. He is your Knight in shining armor.
Recently God has been speaking to me through two love songs from 1980’s… “Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler (1984) and “Lookin’ for Love” by Johnny Lee (1980). He often speaks to me this way. The lyrics of these song flabbergast me. In the song “Holding Out for a Hero”, the woman is holding out for an intangible, impossible, impeccable, improbable hero. Yet she is searching for it in the tangible. She knows what she is looking for, and yet is “lookin’ for love in all the wrong places”. Read through the lyrics below and know that the Hero and the Lover in both of these song can only be found in Jesus.
Holding out for a Hero (Bonnie Tyler, 1984)
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ’til the end of the night
He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast
And he’s gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a hero
I’m holding out for a hero ’til the morning light
He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon
And he’s gotta be larger than life, larger than life
Where have all the good men gone and where are all the Gods?
Where’s the street wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need
Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach there’s someone reaching back for me
Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat
It’s gonna take a Superman to sweep me off my feet
Up where the mountains meet the heavens above
Out where the lightning splits the sea
I could swear that there’s someone somewhere watching me
Through the wind and the chill and the rain
And the storm and the flood
I can feel his approach like a fire in my blood
Lookin’ for Love (Johnny Lee, 1980)
I was lookin’ for love in all the wrong places
Lookin’ for love in too many faces
Searchin’ their eyes
Lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreaming of
Hoping to find a friend and lover
I’ll bless the day I discover
Another heart lookin’ for love
I spent a lifetime lookin’ for you
Single bars and good time lovers were never true
Playing a fools game, hopin’ to win
Tellin’ those sweet lies and losin’ again
I was alone then, no love in sight
I did everything I could to get me through the night
I don’t know where it started or where it might end
I turned to a stranger just like a friend
You came knockin’ on my heart’s door
You’re everything I’ve been looking for
No more lookin’ for love in all the wrong places
Lookin’ for love in too many faces
Searchin’ their eyes
Lookin’ for traces of what I’m dreaming of
Now that I found a friend and lover
God bless the day I discover
You, oh you, lookin’ for love
No one and nothing will satisfy the desires of your heart like Jesus. Your Creator designed you to desire Him and Him alone. This isn’t a billboard that reads “Jesus Loves You”. How many people just glaze past those signs with a Seinfeld “yada, yada, yada” ringing in their minds? This is NOT a Jesus loves you add. This is the voice of a friend telling you that the Lover of your dreams is waiting for you.
Imagine the dating world for a moment – whether you are currently in it and searching, or far from it… A friend comes to you and tells you that they have found the man of your dreams, and he longs to meet you. That lover already knows everything about you and is head-over-heels for you. What would you do? I know I would have put my best foot forward and trusted them. I would have gotten all dolled up and gone to meet him.
This isn’t a fairy tale… The one thing your heart desires more than anything else is here. Trust me friend! Oh how I wish I could write a compelling enough story to help you see. The answer to your deepest desires is here!
Go find the one thing you’ve been searching for. The hero you’ve been holding out for. The love you’ve been looking for in all the wrong places. He is revealing Himself to you, “like fire in the night”. You have already won Him over. He is crazy for you, and He has been waiting for you all your life. There is nothing you can do to mess this one up. All He wants from you is your love and devotion. Jesus does love you. It’s true. Are you ready to be swept off your feet? Go on… He is waiting. Don’t let another day pass. It is effortless. Simply fall back into His arms.
New Hope for a New Season
Many people are excited about bidding farewell to 2020. 2021 seems to hold a promise of something new and better. We all feel it. There is a hope inside of each of us for the newness the New Year brings. Hold on to that hope. Allow it to anchor you into a place of expectancy and anticipation. A New Year and season are upon us, a season that will benefit from a fierce devotion to Jesus.
On December 21, 2020 there was a bright and shining star in the sky. A star that was the result of Jupiter and Saturn crossing paths, resulting in an event that claimed headlines as the Great Conjunction of 2020. The darkest day of the year (the winter solstice and first day of winter) was made brighter by the Christmas Star. The Christmas Star drew our eyes to the sky and our hearts to Jesus, as it reminded us of that star from long ago announcing the birth of our Savior.
“O Star of Wonder, Star of Night,
Star with Royal Beauty bright,
Westward leading,
Still proceeding,
Guide us to Thy perfect Light.”
~ We Three Kings
To quote the donkey Bo in 2017 children’s movie The Star, “that star means something”…. The bible tells us we can “Expect to witness amazing and perplexing signs throughout the universe with the sun, the moon, and the stars.” (Luke 21:25, TPT). The Christmas Star is once again noteworthy as it draws our hearts and our minds to the Messiah. As I gazed up at the night sky 12/21/20 to admire the Lords handiwork, I felt the gently wind of His Spirit whisper to my heart that it is the beginning of a new season.
“Expect to witness amazing and perplexing signs throughout the universe with the sun, the moon, and the stars.” Luke 21:25, TPT
As the world prepared for Christmas this year and counted down the final days, the Heavens joined in chorus declaring Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming friends! I know… the season of Christmas just came and went, and most of us are wrapping it all up and preparing for the New Year ahead of us.
If you are like me, it is always a bittersweet time of the year as we say goodbye to the magic and the busyness of the Christmas season. As we put away the decorations and the boxes and bows… something deep within us longs for the Spirit of Christmas to linger just a little longer. Not the busyness, but the magic and the wonder. I know I feel it. Do you? It is the quiet invitation from Christmas Himself to celebrate Christmas all year long.
Ask yourself what it is you like best about Christmas? What are the magical moments that make all the busyness worthwhile? What are the moments that take your breath away and make you pause in the midst of it all? Make a list… go ahead. I will wait….
I would venture to guess we love many of the same things about Christmas. I love the childlike wonder, the warmth and peace of the nights around the Christmas tree with the room all aglow, the Christmas lights on every street that shine light in the dark, the gatherings with family, the love, the joy, and the comfort of the familiar food, carols and traditions. The season of Christmas does bring childlike wonder, warmth, peace, light, family, love, joy and comfort for many of us.
Unfortunately, the Christmas season also comes with the hefty price tag of exhausted parents and grandparents, weary travelers, depleted bank accounts and even loneliness for many. What if we could have the excitement, warmth, peace, love, joy, and comfort, without the exhaustion, weariness, depletion or even the loneliness? WE CAN!
Christmas isn’t a season. Christmas is a person, and He is Jesus. The parts we love about Christmas are the very essence of His being. He is wonder, warmth and peace, light in the dark, family, love, joy, and comfort. I want to pause on the word wonder for a moment. I feel like that one word so perfectly sums up our beautiful Savior. Wonder is a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable (
Oh… the wonder of Christmas! He is so beautiful, admirable, surprising, inexplicable… wonderful! What we love about Christmas cannot be packed away and doesn’t diminish as we ring in the New Year. The celebration of the season of Christmas may be behind us (or ahead of us for those of you already counting down to Christmas 2021), but the person of Christmas is always beside us.
Christmas the season is a worldwide birthday celebration of Christmas the Person. Birthdays are a celebration of life. There is a reason we continue to celebrate the life of Jesus year after year… 2000 years after His birth. It is because He is alive. The celebration of life at a birthday doesn’t end just because the birthday comes and goes. We continue to celebrate our loved ones and honor them daily. How much greater should our daily celebration of Christmas be. How can we celebrate Christmas the Person daily?
I believe the answer is found in the dress rehearsal that is December. Let us look back at our Christmas preparation, planning and celebration. How did we prepare for Christmas and what can we learn from it? The time, the energy, the love, the generosity, the service, the unwavering dedication… It makes sense that we would celebrate the birth of our Savior with such unwavering generosity and service towards others, and with such dedication and focus. IMAGINE for a moment if the world acknowledged our Savior with the same zeal and zest!!
I hear you… you are tired, that was exhausting… I know. I am right there with you.
But there is one major difference. Christmas the person is a place of rest for the weary. He is refreshing. He is humble and easy to please. He simply longs for your friendship and love. Listen to Him whisper the words of Matthew 11 to you: “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”
28 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. 29 Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. 30 For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” Matthew 11:28-30 (TPT)
Christmas is coming! Let us prepare for Christmas! Let us prepare with the zest, zeal and the childlike wonder He deserves. That we deserve! Christmas is still coming! It is coming in a way we are not expecting. Yes… we are putting away our final decorations, but our preparation should be far from over. As we wrap up the final details of the Christmas season, it is time to unwrap the final gift of His presence.
Christmas the person is coming! He is coming like a white knight upon a fiery steed. Miracles are coming. The unexpected is breaking through, triumphing, mesmerizing and tantalizing. We must prepare. Let us take the same unwavering dedication and determination we gave Christmas the season, as we prepare for the coming of Christmas the Person.
Make a commitment to celebrate Christmas and His coming all year! There are no New Year’s resolutions that will benefit you more than that. How do we do it?
READ, WORSHIP, PRAY and FOLLOW. That is all. This January make a commitment to do the following. Create a habit that will carry you through the year and beyond. Track your progress on this free printable: UNWRAPPING CHRISTMAS
DIG DEEP INTO THE WORD OF GOD. Years ago I heard such a clear invitation from the Lord to “Read well the Father’s script”. If we set any resolutions for ourselves as we enter into the New Year, this should be at the top of the list. Get into the word of God! There are many ways to do this. You can join a bible study, simply read your bible, or even listen to the bible being read to you as you drive to work, make breakfast, get ready for your day, exercise…
- The Daily Audio Bible is a great app if you want to listen to the Bible each day
- Another great app is This is an online version of the bible that you can read or listen to. It has all the different versions of the bible so you can listen to or read the version that speaks most to your heart. I personally LOVE The Passion Translation of the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.
Surround yourself in worship. Turn it on when you wake up in the morning and allow it to infuse your space throughout the day. Make a commitment to worship daily for 1 month without compromise. Make it a habit. When you go to turn on Pandora or the radio… find a worship station and tune in. My favorite Pandora station is Bethel Worship.
Pray for Christmas to linger long after the decorations are put away this year. Pray for Christmas to come into your homes, your families, your work… and to do what only He can do. Invite Christmas to take priority over everything else this year. Make Christmas first in your day, your week, your month, your year, your life. There is nothing more important than this! NOTHING!
As you spend time with Jesus each day, you will begin to hear His sweet voice. As you sit with Him, ask Him in prayer how you can better follow Him each day, He will light your path. You will feel a prompting. It may be as simple as coming back to read more of His word the next day, or as challenging as making amends with a love one, forgiving someone who hurt you, giving up an unhealthy habit, beginning a healthy habit, loving on someone in need… It may look like a handwritten letter, a phone call or a simple act of kindness. It may be the same topic for one month or a new topic each day… It may be challenging, it may be easy… There are no rules. You will know it is Jesus if it shines light and won’t cause any harm. Seek the counsel of a Godly mentor if the task is bigger than you can handle alone.
December 21, 2020 marked the beginning of a new season. 2021 does hold a promise of something new and better. Hold on to the hope inside of you for the newness that the New Year brings. Allow that hope to anchor you into a place of expectancy and anticipation as you prepare for Christmas! A New Year and season are upon us.
The Star means something! Christmas is coming! Will you be ready?
I would like to invite you to join me HERE to read more about the Power of Christmas
The Power of Christmas
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I love Christmas! If you know my Mama, you would know why. You cannot grow up under her wing and not LOVE Christmas. She loves the lights and luminarios, the boxes and bows, the carols and cookies. Christmas releases a joy within her that is unmatched. She is unabashedly head over heels for Christmas.
Friends, let me tell you about my Mama. She is beautiful. Queen Esther beautiful. She is joyful, kind, loving, tender, humble, selfless and patient. There is always sunshine in her smile. A sunshine that isn’t dependent upon her circumstances, or simply the result of a trial free life. Joy is a choice she makes day after day, and the sunshine that pours out of her is a result of that joy. Joy is her supernatural (Neh 8:10), superhero strength. Trials of life do not have the authority to triumph over joy. If the trials of life could dilute her joy, it would have been watered down by now. Her joy is full strength and authentic! Joy is not the absence of trials, but rather the absence of allowing those trials to define you. Joy is our secret weapon that makes us victorious over the trials of life. The source of joy is faith, hope and peace.
Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Neh 8:10, NKJV).
In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] (John 16:33, AMP)
This beautiful lady with the sunshine in her smile is also an amazing teacher. The greatest lessons I have learned from her have simply been through observation of who she is. She taught me to love, and to have faith and hope, by the simple way she lives her life. She is quiet about her faith, but her faith isn’t quiet, because her joy isn’t quiet. Her joy is uncontainable (Rom 15:13). If you have ever been to a football game with her, you have experienced her joy first hand (especially when my brother was playing). Cowbell in one hand and pom-pom in the other… She’s got spirit! How ‘bout you?! Her joy is a radiant reflection of her faith.
Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope! (Roman 15:13, TPT)
In 2004 she encountered a trial that would attempt to not only steal her joy, but her life. It was Easter weekend and my parents were visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. As they were driving to church that Resurrection Sunday, my Mom was overtaken with fatigue and nausea. She knew exactly what is was because it had happened just months prior (on a much smaller scale), when she was diagnosed with a spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage. In laymen’s terms, her brain was bleeding. The first bleed resolved on its own, the second would require surgery.
The hemorrhage may have caught us off guard, but God was prepared. He had everything lined up in a way that only He could. God had always walked with her, and today was no exception. He was right there that day, and so was the Cleveland Clinic… Yes, she was only four minutes from the world renowned Cleveland Clinic! And on call that Easter morning “just happened” to be one of the top brain surgeons. Without a minute to spare, she was taken into the operating room for emergency brain surgery.
At the time, I was living in a Colorado mountain town working as a Dietitian, and my little brother was wrapping up his final year at New Mexico State University. That morning as I was getting ready to attend Easter Service on the ski mountain, I opened an Easter package from my Mama. She had sent me the CD In My Daughter’s Eyes, by Martina McBride. It is a beautiful song about the love between a mother and a daughter who see each other as the hero. As I scramble out the door, I hear her cheery voice in the distance as she leaves a message on my answering machine… “Happy Easter sweetie!!”, and she proceeds with singing the song “Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way…”. She LOVES Easter too!
As the sound of Peter Cottontail trails off in the distance, I head to the mountain knowing my mama loves me, and knowing that in her eyes I am a hero. As I am skiing through the lift line my cell phone rings. It is my dad. He quickly catches me up on the events of the last ten minutes of his life, and he tells me to briefly talk to my mom before she goes into the operating room.
I rode the lift up, I didn’t know what else to do. I needed Easter service and Jesus that morning – now perhaps more than ever. As I stood there among the crowd of skiers under the warm April sun, surrounded by snow covered pine trees, with majestic mountains towering overhead, I was overwhelmed by the handiwork of the Creator who with one utterance created the scene around me through His mighty power. The same God who came at Christmas, and died and rose on Easter over 2000 years ago. We were celebrating Him that morning!! Everything Jesus accomplished on the cross and through His resurrection mattered now. That Easter morning on that snowy mountain, I needed the resurrection power of Jesus. Jesus knew I would call on Him that day. He knew that when He died on the cross, and that is what made him be able to endure it. On that dark day in history, He saw a glimpse of this moment in time, and it made it all worthwhile. He did it for her, He did it for me, and… He did it for you. That is what Easter is all about! The love of a Savior that was sent to rescue us! That is the good news!! Christmas and Easter should give us great joy!!
She was finally out of surgery and recovering in the ICU. She was unresponsive, but she was alive. I don’t think I ever thought I would lose her; after all, she had taught me how to have faith and hope. Besides, she had never given up before, I knew she wouldn’t give up now. I got a flight out the next day to Ft. Lauderdale. Before I left I was talking with my Uncle in Texas, her Sister’s husband, and he said “be sure to play some Christmas carols for her, she will need them”. So that Easter Sunday, I packed my Walkman and a Christmas CD. The following day with Christmas carols in tow, I boarded a small plane and flew to Florida.
You can never prepare for a moment like this. You just have to walk into it with courage and take it one step at a time. There was my beautiful, hopeful and joyful Mama, lying there, connected to machines and unresponsive. I sat with her, I talked to her, I cried for her, I cried for me. I knew she was still there, and as I held her hand and talked to her, I trusted she heard me. Her hero had arrived. Silly Mama – she’s the hero not me. But today, I will be brave.
I pulled out my Walkman, placed the headphones on her ears, and turn on the carols. Friends, let me tell you about the power of Christmas!! That Monday morning in April following Easter Sunday, Christmas bells were ringing in that hospital room, and they brought tears to her eyes! As the tears streamed down her face, Christmas whispered to my heart it’s all going to be okay. She knew it and I knew it. Christmas isn’t a season, it’s a person. The reason she loves Christmas is because it is her strength, her joy, her hope and her peace… How can you not be ecstatic about celebrating Christmas!
She slowly woke from her slumber over the next few weeks. It was then that we knew it was going to be a long journey. I could only stay for a short while, I had to get back to a new job, a new house, and a life that didn’t get put hold – though it felt like it should have. Even my Dad eventually had to get back home. He also had a job and a house and life that wasn’t on hold. We left her in the amazing hands of my Aunt Connie and Uncle Joe. Aunt Connie did drop everything for her so she could love her back to health. God had placed her right where she needed to be that Easter Sunday.
After spending over three weeks in the ICU, she was eventually discharged to a rehab facility where she would learn everything over. How to eat, how to walk, how to talk, how to write. She had no joy! She wanted out. She hated it there. It took tough love to leave her there. When she begged to come home, Aunt Connie was strong enough to say no. And when it was time to bring her home, Aunt Connie was strong enough to say yes. After months in the rehab hospital, Aunt Connie and Uncle Joe took her home to their house where they continued to nurse her back to health. They continued to drive her for outpatient rehab, but being “home” was where her real progress began. Love can often do what medicine cannot.
Recovery continued to be a long process for my Mama. She was a funny thing that first year. She said some of the most off the wall things and loved nicknames. Her Chico’s Tacos antics would make us roll with laughter. Oh how she craved her favorite El Paso tacos “in the little red boats with the cheap cheese”. As for the nicknames, she called her nurses Bangies, Uncle Joe was officially Giuseppe (his Italian name) and the beloved Aunt Connie became Connie Mae. Other than the Bangies, those were terms of endearment. At the time she was not endeared to the Bangies, even little Miss. Sunshine couldn’t express her gratitude for all that the nurses did for her. Brain damage is like that. With that said, her gratitude for Connie Mae was unquenchable. Oh how familiar we became with the phrase “I like Connie Mae a lot!” and she did. She always had! Who better than a best friend to love you back to health. Love and joy are powerful remedies. Connie Mae had both and she never hesitated to share them.
Aunt Connie and my Mom have always been two peas in a pod. If you know my mom, you know my Aunt Connie. They are sisters by marriage and best friends by choice. While we were growing up together in El Paso, Texas, our families were inseparable. Life and work eventually moved their family to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. It was a devastating move for both our families. Years later, life and work moved my parents to Tampa, Florida. Though four hours apart, God had weaved their paths closer together again, this time in Florida. He knew what He was doing all along.
Six months had passed since that Easter Sunday. The first day of autumn had arrived in sunny Florida. Connie Mae woke my Mom up that morning with pumpkin pie and fall decorations! They speak the same language. It’s a secret joy code. The bible tells us that a joyful heart is good medicine. Pumpkin pie and fall decorations were the kind of medicine she needed, the kind of medicine Connie Mae knew how to give – joy wrapped up in love.
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Prov 17:22, NASB)
While my mom lived with Connie Mae, my Dad was home in Tampa with his Mom. They were taking care of each other. My dad suddenly found himself having to do laundry, and cook meals, and work, and drive the four hours across the state EVERY single weekend to see my mom. His Mom was there for him. She cooked. She cleaned. She did the wash. We are never too old to need our Mama’s.
After almost a year of traveling back and forth to Ft. Lauderdale, my Dad made his final trip alone. This time he was returning with my Mom. Leaving Connie Mae was a big darn deal. It is like leaving for college for the first time. She was going to be off on her own, away from the person who nursed her back to health with joy and love. The woman who left Tampa didn’t return to Tampa. The woman who returned walked differently, talked differently, moved more slowly, was learning to write with her left hand, was no longer able to drive… The journey continued.
That spring, she was back home and watching March Madness. Her love for sports is right up there with her love for decorating. This particular year she was inspired to combine the two by decorating with basketballs. That was a first, even for her. It was time to celebrate life again! Every moment of every day there was joy to be found! If having basketballs displayed artistically throughout the house would spark joy – then basketballs she would use. If it takes basketballs, use basketballs! Find what brings you joy and use it!
As spring was blossoming into summer that year, my little brother was also preparing for a new season in his life. He was graduating from college, the same college both my parents and I graduated from. We were excited to celebrate with him as we all returned to our old stomping ground. My Mama was getting stronger each day and she was ready to take the trip back home to the desert southwest.
With school pride displayed in the form of crimson and black balloons, shoe polish and streamers, we seek out his car at the graduation practice. Time to decorate! She walks with assistance, her
right side lacks coordination, but this woman is armed with streamers and shoe polish and she knows how to use them! That is right folks! She decorated because she could! She decorated because that is what she always did! She decorated because it brings her joy! She decorates because she has joy! Her joy is infectious. This woman who just beat all the odds is back at it. Celebrating, decorating, finding joy in each day, and spreading sunshine with her smile. Was she defeated? No! Was it over? Far from it. Did she choose joy? Absolutely. Again and again and again!
Where is she today you ask? At home in Texas preparing for Christmas with her carols cranking. Yes, she moved from Florida back to Texas. This time God moved her closer to my brother and her sister on the southeast side of the state. No, it’s not the desert southwest, and sorry Mom, there are no Chico’s Tacos, but it’s still Texas with family! Did she return to Texas the way she left? No. She returned with a walker, two hip replacements from multiple falls, grey hairs shining through her golden curls, and a few more laugh lines adorning her beautiful face. Is she ever beautiful! Stunning really. I wish I could allow you, with my words, to encounter the joy that she is. Just the other day my husband in passing smiled and said…. “She is so inspiring.” I am hosting Christmas this year. She will show up with the biggest smile on her face, a hug that takes your breath away, and a joy that lingers long after she leaves. This is her season! Christmas is here!
She loves Christmas unabashedly. The good news is that the feeling is mutual… Christmas loves her unabashedly too. Nothing can separate her from the love of Christmas (Rom 8:34)! Christmas adores her, and me, and you! Does her story end here? Far from it. This is just the beginning. As I write this, I hear Christmas whisper to my heart that this is only the introduction, the introduction to the most wonderful testimony of the love of Christmas. There is so much more to come… CHRISTMAS IS COMING! HE IS COMING! There is a great unveiling taking place in this season we are in. We are about to see Christmas show up in all His glory and splendor. To quote the holy spirit inspired words of the apostle Paul, “I am convinced that any suffering we have endured is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory (radiant beauty) that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!”. We ain’t seen nothing yet! Christmas Himself is the greatest gift we freely receive. He is continually praying for our triumph (Rom 8:34), and continually weaving together every detail of our lives, to create a beautiful tapestry, that when complete will tell the story of His perfect love He lavished upon us (Rom 8:28).
“18 I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. 19 The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” (Rom 8:18-19, TPT)
34 Who then is left to condemn us? Certainly not Jesus, the Anointed One! For he gave his life for us, and even more than that, he has conquered death and is now risen, exalted, and enthroned by God at his right hand. So how could he possibly condemn us since he is continually praying for our triumph? 35 Who could ever separate us from the endless love of God’s Anointed One? Absolutely no one! For nothing in the universe has the power to diminish his love toward us. Troubles, pressures, and problems are unable to come between us and heaven’s love. (Rom 8:34-35, TPT)
So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. (Rom 8:28, TPT)
Christmas is coming! Are you ready for Him? Christmas is drawing near? Are you allowing Him in? Let us prepare our hearts to be a place that welcomes our Savior! Will we make room in the Inn of our hearts for Him to finding a resting place (Luke 2:7). Take time for the One who is knocking at the door of your heart, He longs to be let in (Rev 3:20). This will indeed be the greatest gift you give this Christmas season, whether you are inviting Him in again or for the first time. Take time right now, in this moment, to respond to His knocking. Whisper tenderly to him “Jesus, may I have the honor to welcome you into the Inn of my heart! I will give you a resting place. Thank you for coming on that Christmas long ago. You sacrificed everything for me! Come in! Come in! This Inn is open!”
And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:7, NASB)
20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. (Rev 3:20, NKJV)
9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Rom 10:9, ESV)
I am praying the prayer of Eph 3:14-21 over you this Christmas season:
14 So I kneel humbly in awe before the Father of our Lord Jesus, the Messiah, 15 the perfect Father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth. 16 And I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power. 17 Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. 18–19 Then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences—the great magnitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding—this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God! 20 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. 21 Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen! (Eph 3:14-21, TPT)
Christmas and Easter collided together in that ICU room years ago. That day we were reminded of why Jesus came and why He died. He did it for her, and He did it for me, and He did it for you. May you hear the Christmas bells ringing and be reminded of that life changing truth today. Jesus’ birth makes all the difference, and His death makes us different.
As I bring this story to a close this morning, the sound of little voices singing Rudolph at the top of their lungs echoes throughout the house. My children are awake and they are full of Christmas joy! It is as if God is whispering the closing for me. “He’ll go down in history!”…
Chocolate-Drizzled Pumpkin Muffins
We love these pumpkin muffins! It was a recipe I found on the blog Riddlelove years ago. It has become a staple in our home. The original recipe is gluten-free and grain-free. If you do not have the almond or coconut flour on hand, either or both can be substituted with wheat flour. You can find the full recipe HERE.
They are delicious right out of the oven as well as refrigerated overnight.
Just mix all ingredients up in your blender, bake, drizzle and serve:
Today we enjoyed these muffins as a part of our advent celebration, along with the advent devotional by Ann Voskamp, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas. It is a beautiful journey through the lineage of Jesus, with daily suggestions on how to make your Christmas more holy. Each day comes with ornaments you can print or purchase. We chose to print them and are hanging them on our Gratitude Tree we left up after November. Additionally, we LOVE our beautiful advent wreath. Each day we light a candle as we read our devotions. If you are interested in purchasing one, they are available HERE.
On Common Ground we Stand
Election results are in (though the battle is not over). Today, many rejoice (50%), and many lament (50%). It truly is a 50/50 split, a united nation… divided. Can you feel it? So can I. Can we be divided and still stand united? Yes! Here is the thing… we may not have voted for the same president… but that doesn’t mean we can’t stand united. What is our common ground to stand on?
As I pondered this question, the Lord led me to the book of Acts. The disciples had just watched Jesus ascend into Heaven and were gathered in the upper room. “All of them were united in prayer, gripped with one passion (they prayed with one soul), interceding night and day.” (Acts 1:14, TPT).
Prior to Jesus’ departure, the disciples had asked him, “Lord, is it the time now for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom (Acts1:6)? It sounds like a familiar question doesn’t it? Maybe you have asked God the same question… “Is it time now for you to restore our country?” I know I have. Here is what He said to the disciples:
7 He answered, “The Father is the one who sets the fixed dates and the times of their fulfillment. You are not permitted to know the timing of all that he has prepared by his own authority. 8 But I promise you this—the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with power. And you will be my messengers to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces—even to the remotest places on earth!”
Our answer… unite in prayer. Half of our nation is red and the other half blue, but two-thirds of our nation has a common faith. As it turns out, we are on the same team y’all! We are His messengers. What is our common ground? To see the world know Jesus and to see His goodness on the earth.
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. (Ps 27:13, NKJV)
9 And what is God’s “living message”? It is the revelation of faith for salvation, which is the message that we preach. For if you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will experience salvation. 10 The heart that believes in him receives the gift of the righteousness of God—and then the mouth gives thanks to salvation. (Rom 10:9-10, TPT)
Let us come together as the United States of America. Let us pray for God to invade our nation and have His way. Let us put our political agendas aside and put God’s agenda at the forefront. A land that is infused with the goodness of God should be our agenda.
God, open our eyes to see that “those who are for us are far greater than those who are not (2 Kings 6:16)”. Open our eyes to see our authority as your sons and daughters. Unite us in prayer. Bless us with a fresh anointing of your Holy Spirit. Give us wisdom and power to steward well your message to the ends of the earth.
Let us set our gaze on the Lord! I decree that we are indeed the United States of America!
For more on unity, check out my post HERE on how gratitude unites us.